Our Mission & Vision:
The Contra Costa Human Trafficking Coalition seeks to eliminate human trafficking.
The Coalition envisions public and private systems working together to create a community free of exploitation.
We accomplish this by:
- Raising awareness
- Expanding victim services
- Providing victims with access to services
- Increasing access to services
- Building capacity and improving coordination
- Improving the criminal justice response to trafficking
- Engaging in policy advocacy
- Providing a forum for information sharing
- Hosting a multi-disciplinary team
- Providing training and technical assistance
Our Core Values
We believe:
- In the importance of identifying, reporting, investigating, and prosecuting trafficking crimes
- That human trafficking offenders should be held accountable
- That the root causes of human trafficking must be addressed
- That all victims of trafficking have the right to live free of exploitation
We commit to:
- A victim-centered, trauma informed, and culturally responsive approach
- Collaboration based on respect for each member’s expertise and role; willingness to commit to understanding each member agencies’ cultures and mandates
- Active participation and follow through on goals as determined by the Coalition
- Educate victims about their rights and to provide them with meaningful access to justice, services, and advocacy
- Share, disseminate, and implement best practices